Finding the Right Amount of Child Support

Child Support Attorney

If you are getting divorced, then one of the first things you will be faced with is child support. Child support is calculated based on the amount of time that one parent spends with the children. The following is information on child support in St. Louis.


Missouri has many attorneys who are willing to help when it comes to child support law. There are three attorneys who specialize in this area of law. They are Certified Public Accountants in Kansas City, Missouri; Attorneys Frank Phillips and Robert Martin in St. Louis, Missouri; and Attorney Dennis Johnson in Columbia, Missouri. These three attorneys can all help you out if you are in the need for child support enforcement in Missouri. However, to discuss your case with any of these attorneys, simply call to schedule an initial consultation so that they can evaluate your situation and help you determine what your best options are.


Child support is mandated by the court order. Therefore, if you are receiving a divorce or are expecting a child soon, then it is important that you find yourself a good child support attorney in St. Louis. The attorneys mentioned above have been certified by the Missouri State Bar Association and are therefore qualified to practice in the state of Missouri. In addition to having this certification, the attorneys should also have successfully handled cases similar to yours so that they can effectively represent your interests in the courtroom.


There are some factors that are considered in determining child support in St. Louis. Physical custody is one factor that is looked at. This means which parent the custodial parent lives with. Along with physical custody is visitation rights and decision making. Along with these factors, consideration is also given to who the income is that goes to each party. If the non-custodial parent earns more than the paying parent, then they will likely receive a higher amount of child support than the paying parent if they do not have more disposable income.


Another factor considered when determining child support in St. Louis is determining the earning potential of the custodial parent. The manner in which money is being spent is also looked at. For instance, if the custodial parent is supporting several dependents, then they will be viewed as less capable than someone who has only one child. Another factor that is looked at is the financial needs of both parents. For example, if one of the parents is self-employed, then this will be taken into consideration when figuring out the gross income. For more details about custodial parent’s earning support, visit


Another factor that is taken into consideration is the standard of living of each of the parents. The way in which the child is cared for will also be taken into consideration in determining the amount that is paid. If the custodial parent does not provide a good life for their child, then it will be looked at and compared to the other parent’s living conditions. A St. Louis child support attorney can help you find the right amount that will be given to each parent in this situation.

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